Top 10 Functions Of Human Resource Management

Top 10 Functions Of Human Resource Management

Functions of human resource management vary and differ from one organization to another due to the nature of the business, activities, volume of business and employees of every organization.

These functions are important because human resources are the main factor in developing plans, managing functions, running operations and activating tools of the organization.

In this article, we are discussing the top 10 functions of human resource management, and clarifying the role of these functions in term of development and continuity of the organization:

Top 10 Functions Of Human Resource Management
Top 10 Functions Of Human Resource Management
  1. Human Resource Planning: The first function of human resource management is to know the future needs of human resources or employees for the organization; In terms of efficiency, skills, and experience as well as the number of employees… and to identify these needs according to the strategies and goals of the organization. 
  2. Job Description & Analysis: It is about analyzing and defining the objectives of every job in the organization in order to define what this job requires in terms of skills and experience. This is in order to choose the right person for the right job and explain their duties and responsibilities for this job.
  3. Recruitment & Selection: This function is the HRM tool for selecting the best-qualified candidates after conducting the necessary interviews. It focuses on attracting the needed qualifications and experiences for the organization. Therefore, the organization should first work on its brand so its name will be an incentive to attract the most skilled and experienced professionals.
  4. Human Resources Training & Development: Training and developing employees, improving their experiences, and providing them with the new skills necessary for the work and activities they do is very important to keep up with the latest updates on the labor market. Managing these training, learning, and development is mainly the responsibility of human resource management. This applies to new and old workers as well according to their job needs.
  5. Performance Evaluation: Effective performance management and clarity of its objectives make the function of performance evaluation easier, ensure the continued productivity of employees at a satisfactory level, and support the permanent development of work in the organization. Performance evaluation should be a regular and periodic process.
  6. Wages & Incentives: The management of wages, incentives, and rewards are one of the most important roles human resource management plays. This function is not only to provide material wages and incentives, but also to support relations between workers, their career development, and care about their situations inside and outside the organization.
  7. Promotion & Career Development: Developing the career level of an employee is an important factor that human resource management should make a priority and one of its main goals. Career development depends not only on the efforts of the employee but also on the support provided by the management. The core of the process of developing the job situation is job promotions and transfers based on performance evaluation, either by honoring and promoting or warning and even excluded in the interest of the organization… 
  8. Human Resource Maintenance: Human resource maintenance is concerned with following up with the workers and employees of the organization in terms of their physical, psychological, and social situations, in addition to helping them adapt to work by controlling them and supporting them at all levels, and providing alternatives and solutions in order to keep employees in a continuous productive state.
  9. Health & Safety: The health and safety of employees within the organizationrepresent the safety of the organization. It is essential for every organization to have a dedicated department for the health and safety of its employees. Nowadays, this function has become one of the human resource management functions. One of the most efficient procedures is to integrate health and safety systems with the organization’s system and strategies to make them equally important. The organization should have the necessary safety equipment, moreover, its employees should have the important training that ensures their security and safety in the organization.
  10. Personal Support for Employees: Human resource management should pay attention to improving the levels of its employees in both personal and job terms. Through this function, management should provide the employees assistance with various needs and problems and support them inside the organization and in their communities as well.


Everything related to an organization’s employees will reflect a positive effect on their performance when their affairs are properly taken into consideration, in both work and personal environments, or it will reflect a negative effect in case of failure to manage this issue.

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