Human Resource Planning Advantages and Disadvantages
The human resource planning process should be linked to all other existing processes and strategies in the organization to ensure achieve the best results, let’s go further in detail to check the advantages and disadvantages of HRP:

A. Advantages of Human Resource Planning
- Good human resource planning ensures the proper use of human resources in order to achieve the maximum benefit
- In human resource planning, performance standards are set, which helps in the objective evaluation of the organization’s employees
- HRP achieves appropriate distribution, so it helps put the best person in the best workplace, each according to their efficiency
- HRP activates easy and clear communication between the organization’s individuals, which supports the two functions of organization and direction
- HRP enhances the quality of work’s outputs because every employee and worker knows their responsibility and realizes its connection with the responsibilities of the other colleagues
- HRP helps the management to become familiar with the various existing activities in the organization
- Good human resource planning identifies the shortage or surplus and potential problems in human resources staff
- HRP saves the expenses of preparing and training workers for jobs that may be canceled or dispensed from the organizational structure; as a result of managing and organizing the operations of workforce distribution and their necessary transfers between units and departments
B. Disadvantages of Human Resource Planning
- Human resource planning might face defects in the workforce system resulting from insufficient information systems of human resource management, which should indicate the workforce quality and quantity needed to cover all the organization’s works
- Insufficient material and human resources allocated to human resource planning; such as lack of financial support, lack of support for facilities and technical means and technology that helps in performance study, analysis, and evaluation, lack of specialists needed to hold the human resource planning function
- Weakness in general strategic planning over the organization, with a resistance of officials from the senior management to the planning processes, because they are not convinced of the planning importance and necessity
- Lack of awareness of the planning importance at the level of employees who are responsible for implementing the planning processes
- Disregard the importance of the future vision of HR planning and the negative effects and missed opportunities as a result