What’s Better Than Career Development

What's better than Career Development?

In this article, we are discussing the concept of career development, career path planning, career development advantages, and disadvantages…

Career development: It is an integrated process that combines the individual and organization’s viewpoints:

  • From an individual’s point of view :

It is the process of founding the career identity of an individual, which shows their abilities and skills, sets his goals, values, needs, and requirements that shape their career

Career Development
Career Development
  • From the organization’s point of view:

It is the process of balancing between an individual’s desire for continuity and career development, and the company’s needs for employees in the present and future

  • Career Path Planning… (Who plans the career path for individuals…?)

    The success of any organization is the success of its employees, it can be achieved by paying careful attention to their capabilities, ambitions, and energies, and providing opportunities for them to develop their skills and experiences in a way that serves its goals and achievement…

    Hence, career path planning is a collaborative process that brings together the management and employee to prepare the employee for the job with what may be related to training and developing skills and experiences, through a clear and planned timetable, in line with the organization’s goals.

    • Career development has positive features that are called career development advantages… on the other hand, there often be some negative features that are called career development disadvantages, problems, or obstacles. It is necessary to support the advantages which level up career development and make concern with solving problems that hinder career development.
  • Career Development Advantages

    The most important reasons that make career development necessary are:

    • Career development creates an attractive image of the organization that develops its employees and this in turn attracts talents to apply for the jobs of this organization
    • It helps employees to develop and improve their skills and capabilities to meet the requirements of their jobs and the needs of their lives as well
    • It helps management to discover employees who are qualified enough for leadership and management positions
    • It creates a positive, competitive, and active environment among the employees of the organization, which leads to a positive impact on the individual life inside and outside the organization
    • It helps in the distribution of individuals over the organizational jobs, for it’s adopting the system of promotion and transfers
    • It motivates the inactive individual and supports the ambitious one to achieve their ambition
  • Career Development Disadvantages

    The most important obstacles and problems of career development, that are considered disadvantages, would hinder the development of the career individual:

    1. Over the personal level
    • Personal Characteristics: it is when an individual does not adequately know their job personality, interests, and values related to what they may work. Before engaging in any work, individuals should know which job, work environment and system, and number of working hours are appropriate for them to be a productive employee
    • Age: although age is not a major obstacle to any development, it may be an obstacle in a phase of work or another, like when work is linked to the latest technological developments or modern work methods. Individuals may feel that they are too old or too young to carry out some workload or keep pace with its developments, and this will be an obstacle to the individual’s development. The solution here is to ignore the age and focus on the abilities and skills that will help in achieving the work
    • Family Commitment: this obstacle interferes with the practical and mental sides of an individual. If they are not a good admin of their family by organizing their time between work and family, this will prevent their career development, because they will be always mentally and practically busy. In such cases, individual should organize their time and manage their family either by their selves or, for example, by asking for external assistance
    • Absence of Family Support (or Emotional Support): The absence of support provided by family or friends has a negative impact on the individual, and it delays his career development. With any goal we seek, we need support from those we care about, and this plays a very important role in motivating us and pushing us toward self-development. Therefore, it is necessary for every individual to find an environment that can support them and help in their career path development


    1. Over the personal level
    • Organization’s Systems and Rules: the work inherited culture based on old foundations that do not keep pace with the developments and methods of motivating and developing the employees, adherence to old-fashioned systems and lack of flexibility and modern promotion systems represent a major obstacle to career development, limit innovation and creativity, and create an non-satisfactory environment for individuals
    • Incentives and Rewards: this matter represents the material return for superior performance, and the most motivating reason for most employees and workers to develop their careers. It is also the reason that helps individual first with satisfaction and organization second with profitable productivity… So its absence or miss management will hinder good productivity and cause individuals to delay the career development process
    • Performance Evaluation: setting standards that control the performance of individuals and direct their activities is very important to ensure that work is on the right track. Evaluating employees’ performance is a must to know their levels in performing the tasks they carry out, and to suggest what develops this performance and fills its gaps. Therefore, the absence of performance review and evaluation causes disorganization and limits the career development of individuals
    • Clarity of Career Path: The lack of clarity on the concept of career path and career orientation, and the strengths and weaknesses of individuals is a big administrative defect caused by not providing employees with such important information. Since understanding the nature of the job is essential for setting career goals and working to develop them, the lack of clarity in the career path will hinder and limits the possibility of career development
    • Job Satisfaction: workers’ satisfaction in their jobs is achieved by good management of their career path, and it increases with more opportunities provided by the organization to develop these paths. Also by paying attention to the psychological side of individuals as it provides appropriate working environments, ensures job stability, works to enhance relations between workers and their managers, and manages their rewards and promotions. The management’s ignorance or neglect of this important aspect will lead to face the delay in the career development
    • Development and Training: they are the two pillars of career development. There is no development without training and no progress is achieved in any work without developing skills and capabilities, empowering, and providing the necessary updates to level up career development. The administration’s ignorance or unwillingness to organize financial and material allocations to support development and training in the organization is a clear reason for the delay of career development, and thus, the development of the organization as a whole
  • Conclusion: It is obvious that no organization can run its operations without individuals, no matter how advanced it is or if it is managed with modern machines and advanced equipment. There must be working hands to operate the work of this organization … so every individual has to develop themselves and the organization has to pay great attention to the development of its workforce and always push them to develop themselves and their career…

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