Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

What do you know about the concept of Human Resource Management…?

Well… you can test your information by reading this easy-to-digest article!

The human element is the main factor in any organization or company for the growth, continuity and achievement of its goals… Therefore, a necessity has emerged for a management that can control and organize everything related to the human element or Human Resources (HR) in organizations, and this management has become known as Human Resource Management.

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management: is the managerial process that holds the responsibility of attracting, testing, selecting, training and employing individuals in an organization, and then controlling them and evaluating their performance, as well as ensuring their safety and managing wages, incentives and promotions in accordance with strategies and policies of the organization.

Importance of Human Resource Management:

The major reasons that make HRM important are:

  1. Human resources are the core of every activity in an organization. They represent the mastermind and the workforce necessary for the establishment and success of any organization
  2. Efficient management of human resources, that provides a good estimation of the needs for individuals and competencies, supports the performance of other departments and reduces the possibility of impeding the work progression
  3. HRM helps in discovering and solving problems and difficulties related to employees that may affect the performance of the organization
  4. HRM is responsible for developing and improving the performance of the organization’s staff, training and developing their skills in accordance with its policies, as well as their job stability, and managing their wages and salaries, what leads to increase the organization’s productivity
  5. HRM represents the link between the other departments with each other and with their subordinates and employees; it coordinates between the various units of the organization

Human Resource Management Goals

The main goals of human resource management is to provide this organization with effective human resources that serve its plans and goals and develop its productivity and quality of services. In addition to develop these resources, meet their needs and requirements, and make them provide the best performance in order to achieve the goals of the organization…

Since human resources are the indispensable cornerstone, an HRM should achieve a set of goals in order to maintain the human resources… the most prominent of these goals:

  • Social Goals: is to provide the best job opportunities for individuals to meet their aspirations and needs, encourage them to do their best, and invest their efforts to increase productivity in organizations. In addition to provide an appropriate environment that allows the free expression of individuals’ ideas and suggestions in order to achieve social development and well-being of individual and society.
  • Organization Goals: are to attract efficient individuals with qualifications appropriate to the nature of jobs in the organization and invest their efforts and energies. Moreover, encourage them by strengthening cooperation between them and their managers and try to integrate their goals with the goals of the organization to ensure their continuity and loyalty.
  • Staff Goals: aim to support the individual in the organization, enhance his role, create opportunities for continuous development and facilitate the conditions that help reach the best performance, as well as ensure their safety, health and social insurance and enhance their belonging to the organization to increase their concern of its interest and continuity.

Human Resource Management Functions

The most important functions of human resource management in different organizations and specially in SMEs are:

  1. Human Resources Planning
  2. Job Description & Analysis
  3. Recruitment & Selection
  4. HR Training & Development
  5. Performance Evaluation
  6. Wages & Incentives
  7. Career Development & Promotion
  8. Human Maintenance
  9. Health & Safety
  10. Personal Support for Employees

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